Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, the dynamic duo of the acclaimed HBO series Big Little Lies, are eagerly anticipating news regarding the much-anticipated third season. The series, which captivated audiences from 2017 to 2019, may soon make its return, but the wait hinges on author Liane Moriarty, who is diligently crafting new material.
In a recent conversation with E! News, Witherspoon expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “Nicole and I have been waiting. We’re in a holding pattern for Liane Moriarty. She’s going to be turning in something very soon. We’re back to the original author and we’re going to revisit the original characters.”
Though the Legally Blonde star has yet to read the new content, she is curious about the evolution of the characters, particularly how the passage of time will influence their development. “It’s exciting, too, because I think the kids are probably a little bit older now. So that might add another element. I don’t know yet; I haven’t read it yet,” she remarked.
Nicole Kidman confirmed in November 2023 that plans for a new season were indeed in motion. Earlier in the summer, she reflected on her eagerness to share the news, admitting, “I got excited. But we are now! We’re moving fast and furious, and Liane is delivering the book. Yeah, and we’re in good shape.”
As for the future of the series, the Perfect Couple actress, who shared the screen with Laura Dern, Zoe Kravitz, and Shailene Woodley, emphasized the importance of keeping details under wraps until there is tangible progress. “We need to shut up. There’s this whole thing that you should never talk about something until you’ve done it. If you talk about doing it, it’s the dopamine hit of doing it. You feel like you’ve done it. It’s a scientific study,” she explained.
Back in January, Nicole also hinted at the existence of a “timeline” for the long-awaited third season, leaving fans hopeful for what’s to come.